
ETV6R369W disrupts megakaryopoiesis in a dominant negative manner

On the 23rd of January, we presented our recent work about the transcription factor ETV6 related inherited thrombocytopenia at the Dutch Hematology Congress. In this new study, we confirmed the dominant negative function of the missense ETV6 variant, ETV6R369W, in megakaryocyte and platelet generation. Our findings contribute to the understanding [...]

2025-02-07T10:46:31+00:00February 10th, 2025|News|

PhD defence Shannon van Hoorn

On the 27th of November 2024 Shannon van Hoorn, PhD WP05, defended here thesis "Value-Based Healthcare In Inherited Bleeding Disorders". If you missed the PhD defence you can watch it now (this video is in Dutch): To read the thesis you can scroll down to the pfd below. [...]

2024-12-20T14:09:51+00:00December 20th, 2024|News|


From October 27–30, 2024, SYMPHONY PhD candidate Diaz Prameyllawati attended the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) conference in Boston, presenting her research on the care organization and costs of delivering gene therapy for hemophilia in the Netherlands. During a two-hour poster session at the SMDM conference, Diaz engaged in [...]

2024-12-20T13:06:04+00:00December 20th, 2024|News|

Hoe AI de Zorg voor Zeldzame Aandoeningen Transformeert

Binnen ons onderzoeksconsortium zetten we AI in om de zorg voor mensen met zeldzame aandoeningen te verbeteren. Wereldwijd leven miljoenen mensen met een zeldzame aandoening, vaak zonder effectieve behandelingen of een tijdige diagnose. Dit vraagt om innovatieve oplossingen – en hier komt AI om de hoek kijken. Met behulp van [...]

2024-11-29T14:20:34+00:00November 29th, 2024|News|

ZonMW – GGG Congres 2024

Op 11 april 2024 was SYMPHONY uitgenodigd om op het GGG congres te spreken over hoe je een succesvol consortium opzet. Marjon vertelde enthousiast hoe ze het opzetten van het SYMPHONY consortium gestart is en aanvullend hierop gaf Simone aan hoe we gezamelijk het succesvolle SYMPHONY consortium nu leiden. [...]

2024-11-29T14:49:57+00:00May 6th, 2024|News|

PhD New Year’s drinks

At the beginning of February, many of the SYMPHONY PhD candidates got together for some festive New Year’s drinks at van der Werff in Leiden. For some of them it had already been a while since they last saw each other at SYMPHONY’s General Assembly in September, so it was [...]

2024-03-01T15:17:50+00:00March 1st, 2024|News|

PHEMS: Cross-border collaboration between European paediatric hospitals

Partly due to our ongoing research efforts as part of SYMPHONY, our researchers in WP06 were contacted to participate in a EU Horizons project. After an initial period of uncertainty – the project was initially denied funding only to be accepted a month later – the PHEMS project ( has [...]

2024-02-02T08:32:29+00:00February 2nd, 2024|News|
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